What is a Ristretto

An Italian classic!

A Ristretto is a small but strong cup of coffee. It is related to the Espresso. There is little difference between the preparation of a ristretto and an espresso coffee. Both can be made with an espresso machine. Ristretto means "limited". The coffee variety probably owes its name to its small size.


What is the difference between a ristretto and an espresso?

The ristretto has many similarities with the espresso, but there is a difference in the preparation. This is because less water is used with a ristretto. An espresso uses about 30 ml of water, a ristretto uses half that. By using less water, more oils and aromas are released. This ensures that the coffee is very concentrated, it also provides a stronger and fuller taste than an espresso. A ristretto contains less caffeine than an espresso, the taste of a ristretto is stronger but not stronger when it comes to the amount of caffeine.


How do you prepare a ristretto?

A ristretto is easy to prepare. With a bean machine, dark roasted Espresso beans are the best base. Make an Espresso but use half the amount of water. Switch off the machine before the blond color appears, this way you only serve the tasty part of the espresso.
There are also simpler ways to enjoy a delicious ristretto. Ristretto is also available in capsules and coffee pods. We highlight a few, from our own range.


The ristretto is not just a small espresso, but a unique and refined coffee experience that you should definitely try. With its intense taste, silky texture and powerful aromas, the ristretto offers an unforgettable taste experience for coffee lovers all over the world. Due to the shorter extraction time and smaller amount of water, the deep and complex flavor profiles of high-quality coffee beans are fully expressed in this concentrated drink. Whether you're looking for a powerful boost in the morning or a refined ending to a meal, the ristretto is a drink you should definitely try. With its unique character and subtle nuances, the ristretto will delight even the most demanding coffee connoisseur.

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