What is Bulletproof coffee?

Bulletproof coffee, a sensational trend from America, is slowly but surely conquering the Netherlands. This drink combines coffee with butter and oil for a unique taste experience that has been gaining popularity in recent years. But what are the benefits of this special mix? Discover the origins of Bulletproof coffee and learn more about its potential benefits for body and mind. With its unique composition, Bulletproof coffee promises to provide an energy boost while promoting mental clarity. Learn all about this intriguing drink that is turning the coffee world upside down.


What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee is a special coffee drink that originated in America and is now gaining more and more ground in the Netherlands. The characteristic feature of this drink is the addition of butter and oil, which creates a unique and creamy texture. While this combination may sound unusual, Bulletproof coffee has amassed a large fan base in recent years for its purported benefits for energy, concentration and mental clarity. Its popularity is growing steadily, and more and more people are discovering the unique taste and potential benefits of Bulletproof coffee.


Where does Bulletproof coffee come from?

Bulletproof coffee, designed by health expert Dave Asprey, has its origins in a remarkable discovery during his journey through the Himalayas, where he tasted tea with yak butter. Inspired by this experience, Asprey returned home and created his own version of this drink, but with coffee as a base. This unique coffee variety has become an integral part of the Bulletproof Diet, a diet that focuses on health and performance. The diet aims for optimal nutrition through a combination of healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates, with bulletproof coffee often used for breakfast or as part of intermittent fasting. According to the principles of the Bulletproof Diet, consuming bulletproof coffee while fasting can help reduce hunger and increase energy, making the fast easier to maintain. This drink therefore not only has a unique taste, but also offers a functional contribution to a healthy lifestyle.


Is Bulletproof coffee healthy?

According to Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof coffee, adding butter and oil to your coffee is very healthy. He claims that this combination ensures that fat is burned immediately and you get more energy. In addition, drinking coffee with butter and oil is said to be beneficial for the brain, although the benefits do not occur immediately after one cup of coffee. In the long term, it can contribute to improvements in brain function and physical condition. However, it is recommended to use grass-fed butter and MCT oil as they are said to be more effective.


What does Bulletproof coffee taste like?

You're probably wondering, coffee with butter and oil? That may sound strange, but the result will surprise you. Contrary to what you might expect, Bulletproof coffee has a deliciously creamy taste. The addition of butter and oil gives the coffee a rich texture similar to that of a Latte Macchiato. In addition, these ingredients help to soften the bitterness of the coffee, eliminating the need for sugar and milk. The result is a silky smooth and flavorful coffee experience that you are sure to love.


Which coffee beans for Bulletproof coffee?

High-quality, fresh coffee beans are often used for Bulletproof coffee. It is important to choose good quality coffee beans, preferably from organic and fair trade sources. In terms of flavor profile, mild to medium roast coffee beans can work well for Bulletproof coffee because they provide a balanced flavor and aroma without being overpowering. Beans from regions such as Colombia, Guatemala or Brazil are often recommended for their smooth yet full flavor. It is also possible to experiment with different beans to find the flavor that best suits your preferences. It is important to use freshly ground coffee beans for best results as this maximizes flavor and aroma.

Click here for all our coffee beans


How to prepare bulletproof coffee

To make a bulletproof coffee, do the following; make your coffee, pour the coffee into the blender, add a tablespoon of grass-fed butter and 2 tablespoons of MCT or coconut oil. Blend your coffee until it reaches a light brown color. Your Bulletproof coffee is ready!


Bulletproof coffee offers a unique and invigorating coffee experience that benefits both the taste buds and health. Adding butter and oil to your coffee not only creates a creamy texture, but also highlights the benefits of fat burning and improved energy and mental clarity. Plus, it eliminates the need for sugar and milk, resulting in a healthier option for your daily cup of coffee. If you're looking for a new and innovative way to enjoy your coffee while supporting your body at the same time, Bulletproof coffee is definitely worth a try!