The history of coffee

In this journey through time we discover how coffee was discovered, how it played an important role in ancient civilizations, and how it spread around the world. We delve into the stories of shepherds, the rise of coffee houses, and the influence of coffee on cultures and societies through the ages. Grab a cup of coffee and join us on this fascinating journey!


Coffee in ancient times

In the ancient times, long ago, people didn't know much about coffee as we know it today. But there are stories that tell us about how people in Ethiopia, a country in Africa, first discovered that coffee berries had special powers.

A shepherd named Kaldi noticed one day that his goats became very energetic after eating some red berries. Curious about what happened, Kaldi tried the berries herself. He suddenly felt very awake and energetic.

It didn't take long before people discovered that if you dried the beans of these berries, roasted them and poured hot water over them, you got a tasty drink that helped you stay awake and give you energy.

This drink became popular in the Arab world and was given the name "qahwa", which means "exciting". People began to create special places called coffee houses where they gathered to enjoy this drink and talk.

Slowly, coffee began to make its way to other parts of the world, such as Europe, where it became a luxury drink for wealthy people and an important part of social gatherings.

So coffee started as a discovery in ancient times in Ethiopia, and over time it became a beloved drink that united people all over the world in coffee houses and convivial conversations.


Coffee in Europe

In Europe, people began discovering coffee during the 17th century, and it quickly became very popular. The story goes that the first bags of coffee beans arrived in the port of Venice, and from there coffee spread throughout Europe.

People in Europe were very curious about coffee and started drinking it in coffee houses. These coffee houses quickly became popular meeting places where people came together to talk, exchange news and even do business.

In the beginning, coffee was a drink that was mainly drunk by rich people because of its high price. But as time went by, coffee became more affordable and ordinary people started enjoying it too.


Coffee in colonial times

In colonial times, when European countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and England expanded their influence to other parts of the world, coffee played an important role in trade and economics.

Coffee plants originally grew in Africa, but were later brought to other parts of the world such as South America, Asia and the Caribbean. This was often done by settlers looking for new crops to grow and trade.

In countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia, large coffee plantations were established by European settlers. These plantations were often run using slave labor, which was a dark side of the coffee industry at the time.

Coffee became an important export for many colonial powers and contributed to their economic prosperity. Coffee proceeds helped finance the growth of colonial economies and the building of major cities and infrastructure.

However, the growth of the coffee industry has often been accompanied by exploitation of the local population and serious social inequality. Colonial powers often benefited most from the coffee trade, while the people who did the work on the plantations, such as slaves or laborers, often lived under difficult conditions.

Coffee played an important role in colonial times as a valuable trade product that contributed to the economic growth of European colonial powers, but it was also linked to social inequality and exploitation.


Coffee during the industrial revolution

During the Industrial Revolution, which took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, the world underwent major changes in technology, production and economics. The coffee industry also underwent important developments during this period.


Coffee Roasting and Packaging: During the Industrial Revolution, new methods of roasting and packaging coffee were developed. Machines were introduced to roast coffee beans on a large scale, making the production process more efficient.

Commercial Coffee Production: The Industrial Revolution brought about a shift from small-scale to large-scale coffee production. Large coffee plantations were established in countries such as Brazil and Colombia, where coffee was grown and harvested on a large scale using machinery and labor.

Rise of Coffee Traders: This period also saw the emergence of major coffee traders and companies that specialized in the import, export and distribution of coffee around the world. These companies played an important role in stimulating international coffee trade.

Coffee as a Popular Drink: The Industrial Revolution contributed to the popularity of coffee as a drink among the working class in urban areas. Coffee was considered an affordable and stimulating drink that helped to stay awake during long working days in factories and workshops.

Rise of Coffee Houses and Cafés: During the Industrial Revolution, more and more coffee houses and cafés sprang up in cities around the world. These became meeting places where people came together to talk, debate and relax, and where coffee became an important part of social life.

The Industrial Revolution brought significant changes to the coffee industry, from large-scale production and trade to the rise of coffee as a popular drink among the working class and the flourishing of coffeehouses and cafés as social gathering places.


Coffee in the modern era

In modern times, meaning now, coffee has occupied a special place in the daily lives of people around the world. Here are a few things that are important to know about coffee today:

Coffee Everywhere: Coffee is everywhere! You can find it in almost every country in the world, whether in big cities or small villages. It is one of the most consumed drinks in the world.

Coffee culture: Coffee is not just a drink; it has also become a culture. People meet in coffee houses and cafes to talk, work, study or just relax.

Many Choices: Nowadays there are many different types of coffee to choose from, such as espresso, cappuccino, latte, americano and many more. Each type has its own taste and way of preparation.

Specialty Coffee: There is also a growing trend of specialty coffee. These are high-quality coffees, often from specific regions and with unique flavors and aromas. People are increasingly interested in tasting and experiencing different types of coffee.

Coffee Houses and Coffee Chains: In addition to local coffee houses, there are also global coffee chains such as Starbucks and Costa Coffee. These chains are popular all over the world and offer a wide range of coffee options.

Coffee at Home: Many people also enjoy coffee at home. Coffee machines and coffee makers allow people to prepare their favorite coffee without leaving the house.

Today, coffee is an important part of our culture and daily lives, with countless choices and options to enjoy, whether at home, on the go or in a cozy café.