What is a flat white?

The coffee from Down Under

A flat white is a type of coffee that originally comes from Australia. But the flat white is also becoming increasingly popular in Europe. It is a favorite drink among baristas because of the perfect balance between a ristretto and smooth, whipped milk.


The origin of the flat white

The flat white is mainly drunk in Australia and New Zealand. The coffee variety originated in the 18th century when the British and later the Italians occupied the continent. The coffee culture was brought to Australia via the Italians. The preparation of an espresso has changed considerably over time, giving the coffee an Australian tint. The flat white was created around 1980. It then made its way to Europe and America in the early 21st century.


The difference between a cappuccino and a flat white

If you look from above, the cappuccino and the flat white look quite similar. The difference, however, lies in the size and amount of milk. The flat white is a lot smaller and contains a larger amount of milk. The foam layer is a wonderful finishing touch.


The difference between a latte and a flat white

The Flat white is very similar in structure to a latte. This is because they both have a layer of milk on top of the coffee. The Flat white is distinguished by the small, strong espresso and the texture of the milk, a wonderfully soft milk foam layer on top of the coffee. Simply a delicious coffee.


Preparing a flat white

The velvety milk foam layer is the hallmark of the flat white. Read here how to make it yourself:
Step 1: Make an espresso; The basis of a flat white is the espresso. A strong coffee combined with the milk gives the flat white its taste.
Step 2: Froth the milk; Use about 100 to 130 milk. Make sure the jug is moving and don't let the milk boil. This gives the milk a stiff creamy layer.
Step 3: Pour in the milk; Add the milk to the espresso. Stop pouring before fine foam gets into the cup and make sure that the crema layer does not break.
Step 4: Serve the flat white; Your flat white is ready! We advise you to sit back, have a biscuit with it, you can add sugar to your flat white if you wish, and then all you have to do is enjoy.

At Coffeehenk you can enjoy a delicious flat white simply, cheaply and quickly.

How about the Dolce Gusto Flat White, for example. Can be ordered for a competitive price via Coffeehenk.com

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