Coffee roasting: What does it mean for the taste?

Have you ever wondered why some coffees have a rich, nutty flavor while others have a bright, fruity flavor? The secret is often in the roasting of the coffee beans! We look at what the roasting of coffee says about its taste, and how you can understand which roast best suits your taste preferences.


What is coffee roasting?

Coffee roasting is an essential process in which green coffee beans are exposed to high temperatures to develop their unique flavor and aroma properties. This phase is crucial because it largely determines the character and flavor intensity of the final coffee.


Light roasting

With light roasting, the beans are roasted only briefly, so they retain their natural flavor profile. These beans typically have a light brown color and a mild, refreshing flavor with lively acidity. You can taste subtle notes of fruit, flowers and citrus, which makes them often loved by lovers of complex and refined coffee flavors.

Click here for all lightly roasted coffee beans


Medium roast

Medium roast beans are roasted slightly longer than light beans, resulting in a richer flavor with a balanced blend of sweetness, acidity and bitterness. They have a deeper color and can reveal flavor notes such as chocolate, caramel and nuts. Medium roast coffees are versatile and loved for their approachable and balanced profile, making them suitable for a variety of coffee drinks.

Click here for all medium roasted coffee beans:


Dark roast

With dark roasting, the beans are roasted longer and at higher temperatures, resulting in a deep, intense flavor with less acidity and more bitterness. These beans are often dark in color and can reveal a complex range of flavors, including smokiness, spice, and sometimes even chocolate. Dark roast coffee is known for its powerful and robust character, making it a favorite among lovers of strong coffee flavors.

Click here for all dark roasted coffee beans:

The choice of roast therefore largely determines the taste experience you will have when drinking coffee. Whether you prefer the bright and vibrant flavor of light roasted beans, the balanced and versatile flavor of medium roasted beans, or the intense and robust flavor of dark roasted beans, there is a roast that perfectly suits your taste preferences. Experiment with different types and discover which one is your personal favorite!

Click here for all coffee beans: