Fair trade coffee


In this blog we take a closer look at the importance of fair trade in the coffee industry and the positive impact it has on coffee farmers, the environment and consumers worldwide. Discover why fair trade coffee is not only a delicious choice for your daily cup of coffee, but also a powerful agent for social and environmental change. Let's dive together into the world of fair trade coffee and follow the journey from bean to cup, where honesty and sustainability are central.


What is fair trade?

Fairtrade is a global movement with a mission to promote fairer trading conditions to improve the lives of millions of farmers and plantation workers, while protecting the environment. With fair trade coffee you can be sure that the trade has been monitored by an independent organization and that the coffee farmers receive a fair price for their products. This contributes to sustainable development and stimulates social and economic progress in vulnerable communities worldwide. Supporting fair trade initiatives promotes fairer global trade and contributes to a better future for everyone.


Fair trade coffee

Fairtrade coffee is certified with various quality marks that guarantee that the coffee meets strict social, economic and environmental criteria. These quality marks ensure, among other things, protection against water pollution, soil erosion and promote the improvement of working conditions and management practices on coffee plantations.

Recognizing fair trade coffee is easy thanks to the Max Havelaar/fair trade logo that can be found on the packaging. This logo is a guarantee that the coffee meets fair trade standards and that farmers and workers in developing countries are fairly rewarded for their hard work. By purchasing fair trade coffee, you contribute to supporting sustainable development and improving living conditions worldwide.

Click here for all our fair trade coffee beans


Organic coffee

The production of organic coffee focuses on the environment and the well-being of people and animals. Great care is taken to minimize impact on the ecosystem and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Organic coffee is often easily recognized by its name, which often includes the word "Bio", such as Melitta Bellacrema Bio or Lavazza Tierra Selection Bio. These names indicate that the coffee has been produced in an organic and environmentally friendly way.

In addition to the name of the product, you can also recognize organic coffee by the logo of the quality mark on the packaging. Well-known quality marks for organic coffee include the European Organic quality mark and the Demeter quality mark. These logos indicate that the coffee meets strict standards for organic farming and sustainable production processes. By choosing organic coffee you contribute to a healthier environment and support farmers who are committed to sustainable agricultural practices.

Click here for all our organic coffee beans


UTZ coffee

Coffee with the UTZ quality mark guarantees that it has been obtained in a fair and sustainable way. The coffee is grown by farmers who adhere to strict guidelines on social and environmental practices. This means that farmers receive a fair price for their products and that care is taken for the well-being of workers and the protection of the environment.

The UTZ quality mark is clearly visible on the packaging of the coffee. This logo guarantees coffee that comes from farms that meet the strict standards of UTZ Certified, an internationally recognized certification program for sustainable agriculture.

By choosing coffee with the UTZ quality mark, you contribute to fair and sustainable coffee production and support farmers who are committed to a better future for themselves, their communities and the environment.

Click here for all our UTZ-coffee beans


Rainforest Alliance coffee

The Rainforest Alliance quality mark guarantees responsible and sustainable coffee production, with attention to working conditions, environmental protection and conservation of natural ecosystems in areas where rainforest grows.

This quality mark is easily recognized by the logo on the packaging of coffee products. The Rainforest Alliance logo symbolizes the pursuit of a healthy planet and improving living conditions for farmers and workers in rainforest-threatened areas.

By choosing coffee with the Rainforest Alliance quality mark, you contribute to the conservation of valuable rainforests, protect biodiversity and support sustainable agricultural practices that improve the living conditions of farmers and communities. The logo on the packaging provides a reassuring guarantee that your coffee has been produced with respect for people and the environment.

Click here for all our Rainforest Alliance coffeebeans


Is organic coffee healthy?

Organic coffee is considered a healthier choice because it is free of chemical residues often found in conventionally produced coffee. Much non-organic coffee is grown using pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, which can be harmful to both people and the environment. In contrast, organic coffee is grown using natural means and methods, making it free from harmful chemicals. By choosing organic coffee, you not only contribute to a healthier environment and support coffee farmers, but your own health also benefits.


Why fair trade coffee?

By purchasing fair trade and organic coffee you contribute to creating a fair trade environment for coffee farmers, where they receive a fair price for their labor. You also support sustainable agricultural practices that protect the environment and contribute to a healthier planet. Organic coffee, free from harmful chemicals, also promotes your own health.

At Coffeehenk we attach great importance to fair trade and organic coffee. We offer a wide range of these coffees and strive to continually expand our offering. If you would like more information about fair trade or organic coffee, or if you are looking for a specific type that we do not yet offer, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you!

Click here for all our bio/fairtrade coffeebeans

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